The Right Way to Hold a Knife

Knives aren’t as difficult to hold as they seem. The likelihood of you ending up with a fine result increases if you’re not holding the blade by the blade.

To find out how fine and exactly the pieces can be, however, requires an understanding of the proper technique. The best way to cut food with a knife is to learn how to hold it exactly like a chef does. This will result in a cleaner cut, thinner slices, and more even cubes.

The Handle Grip

The Right Way to Hold a Knife

The Handle Grip is how we are accustomed to holding knives instinctively. By simply gripping the handle, the knife will be held in the manner in which most of us hold it. If you want to chop it that way, wrap all four fingers around the handle, just as you would if you were holding a phone or a glass of water, and then start chopping.

This grip works, but it is more of a beginner’s grip, and if you try it, it is easy to understand why. With the knife balanced so uncomfortably in your hand, you will miss on many occasions and you will end up sporadically whacking the blade across the cutting board with a limited amount of precision.

The Pinch Grip

The Right Way to Hold a Knife

Our recommendation is to use the Pinch Grip. Grab the knife and clench it between your three bottom fingers by curling the fingers around the handle and pinching where the handle meets the blade on opposite sides. You should pinch the blade with your pointer and thumb, not the handle.

At first, it may feel awkward, but practice makes perfect. When you use chopsticks the wrong way, you’ll gain dexterity and you’ll become more proficient. The more you practice, the better you’ll become.

The Claw

The Right Way to Hold a Knife

It is equally important for your other hand to perform the same task. As you curl your fingertips away from your dominant body, shape your non-dominant into a claw and place it on your ingredient, such as an onion. You should tuck your thumb behind your knuckles, so your knuckles press into the ingredient.

Your claw should be moved backward as you slice with the flat part of the blade flush against your knuckles. As a result, your knife will strike the flat part of your knuckles rather than your fingers if it slips.

Following your new knowledge of how to hold a knife, you should try these five knife cuts. It won’t take you long to become proficient. Check out our video to see how these grips work.

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